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SUMMER ARIA. Synthesis of the Arts

10.7 – 10.8.2013 The Museum of New Art in Pärnu (Pärnu Uue Kunsti Muuseum, Esplanaadi 10)



This year, Pärnu Opera’s music theatre festival SUMMER ARIA. Synthesis of the Arts takes place for the seventh time. The

highlights of the festival include the performance Sweet Pain based on Claudio Monteverdi’s enchanting compositions,

which takes the audience to the time when the opera genre was born, and THE DISTANT LOVE comprises works by

contemporary composers for human voice and electronics. Artistic Director Andrus Kallastu.







Wed 10.7, Fr 12.7, Su 14.7, Tu 16.7 and Thu 18.7.2013 at 22


Music by Monteverdi


Music theatre performance in one act


The music theatre performance Sweet Pain based on Claudio Monteverdi’s enchanting compositions takes the audience to

the beginning of the 17th century in Italy, where the opera genre was born from the union of drama, music and architecture.

The performance of the Pärnu Opera has been inspired by the passionately melismatic music style and theatrical devices

typical of early Baroque.

Duration 1 h


Starring soprano Kai Kallastu

Continuo Marju Riisikamp (harpsichord)

Stage Director Auri Jürna (VAT Theatre)

Set Designer Gabriela Liivamägi

Music Director Andrus Kallastu




Thu 1.8, Sa 3.8, Mo 5.8, Wed 7.8 and Fri 9.8.2013 at 22


Music by Lock, Saariaho, Sydorenko, Uduman


Music theatre performance in one act


THE DISTANT LOVE is a performance about longing, hopelessness and mysticism. The programme comprises works for

human voice and electronics by contemporary composers: Lonh by Kaija Saariaho, Cassandra by Sohrab Uduman and

White Angel by Lubawa Sydorenko; and two works for electronics by Hans-Gunter Lock which create an imaginary bridge

between the vocal works performed in the programme.

Duration 1 h


Starring soprano Kai Kallastu

Stage Director Liis Kolle

Visual Realization Liina Vedler

Music Director Andrus Kallastu



Tickets 15 EUR (no card payment, cash only), sale half hour before the performance.

From advance sale tickets 11 EUR in Piletilevi www.piletilevi.ee and Piletimaailm www.piletimaailm.com.

Travel organizers, please contact us by e-mail ooper@parnu.ee, discounts for groups (minimum group size 10).



Information www.ooper.parnu.ee


In collaboration with The Museum of New Art in Pärnu (Pärnu Uue Kunsti Muuseum)

Supporters: Pärnu City, Estonian Cultural Endowment

Partners: Estonian Public Broadcasting, Classical Radio, Turismiweb