


Summer Aria

Pärnu Old City Yard

Abonement 007


Pärnu Opera Studio oooo oooo oooo oooo






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Soprano Kai Kallastu studied singing at the Metropolia University in Helsinki and participated in many master classes. Her teachers have been Malle Raid, Matti Pelo, Johanna Bister, Irina Gavrilovici, etc. Kai has performed as a opera singer, music theatre artist, chamber musician and soloist of orchestral concerts. Her repertoire spans from Renaissance to contemporary music and as a singer with a wide voice range she has premiered several complicated experimental pieces of Estonian composers. Kai Kallastu was a scholarship recipient of the Association of Estonian Professional Musicians in 2009, 2010 and 2012. (


Soprano Ulla Paakkunainen studied singing at the Sibelius Academy. Her teachers have been Essi Heinonen, Taimi Airola, Liisa Linko-Malmio, Jaakko Ryhänen and Elizabeth Norberg-Schulz. Her operatic roles include Zerlina in Don Giovanni and Despina in Cosi fan tutte by Mozart, Valencienne in Die Lustige Witwe by Lehár, etc. She has performed early music, chamber music and solos with orchestras. (


Mezzo-soprano Annaliisa Pillak studied singing at the Sibelius Academy and the Verdi Conservatory in Milan. Her teachers have been Ludmilla Dombrovska-Keis, Annika Ollinkari, Sonja Turchetta, Stelia Dozi and Renate Behle. She has performed as an opera singer (Sextus in Mozart’s opera La clemenza di Tito, Cenerentola in Rossini’s opera La Cenerentola, 2nd Diplomat in Tüür’s opera Wallenberg, Maddalena in Verdi’s opera Rigoletto, etc.), chamber musician and soloist at orchestral concerts. She was a scholarship recipient of the Association of Estonian Professional Musicians in 2008 and 2010. Annaliisa was also awarded the Richard Wagner Bayreuth Scholarship in 2010. (


Mezzo-soprano Solgerd Isalv studied singing at the Academy of Music and Drama at the University of Göteborg. Her teachers have been Marianne Schell, Helena Döse, Håkan Hagenård, Matti Hirvonen, Marianne Häggander, Anna Larsson, Neil Mackie, Thomas Quasthoff and Birgitta Svendén. She has performed as an opera singer (Dorabella in Mozart’s opera Cosi fan tutte, Mecedes in Bizet’s opera Carmen, Olga in Tchaikovsky’s opera Eugene Onegin, etc), chamber musician and soloist at orchestral concerts. She is also a member or the early music ensemble EGG (Berlin). (


Mezzo-soprano Margarita Swarczewskaja studied choral conducting at the Estonian Academy of Music and Theatre and singing at the Tartini Conservatory in Trieste. Her teachers have been Malle Raid, Mati Palm and Rita Susovsky. She has performed as an opera singer (mono-opera Signorini’s L’Attesa by Lorenzo, 4th noble page in Tannhäuser by Wagner), chamber musician and soloist at orchestral concerts. In addition to singing, she is working as a choral conductor in Italy.


Tenor Petri Vesa studied singing in Jyväskylä and Weimer. He is currently furthering his skills in the International Opera Training Programme of the Sibelius Academy in Finland. His teachers have been Turkka Manninen, Lani Poulson, Seppo Ruohonen and Anssi Hirvonen. In addition to operatic roles (for instance, his roles include Tamino in Mozart’s opera Die Zauberflöte and Frederic Sullivan’s opera The Pirates of Penzanze), he is an active chamber musician and soloist at orchestral concerts.


Bass Kristjan Mõisnik studied singing at the Sibelius Academy and at the Hochschule für Musik und Tanz in Cologne. His teachers have been Anssi Hirvonen, Erkki Rajamäki and Hans Sotin. In 2004-2007, he was a soloist of the Bremen Opera and performed the roles of Il Commendatore and Leporello in Don Giovanni and Sarastro in Die Zauberflöte by Mozart, King Marke in Tristan und Isolde by Wagner, etc. He is also a sought-after chamber musician and recitalist.


Stage director Sven Kivisildnik, with the pen name (:)kivisildnik, is one of the most controversial writers of contemporary Estonia. His oeuvre often addresses his conflict with the external world as well as within himself. One of the most radical examples of his early works was the poem „Eesti Nõukogude Kirjanike Liit - 1981. aasta seisuga, olulist“ (The Writers’ Union of the Estonian SSR – as at the year 1981, keywords)from 1990, which even brought about a court case. As an opera director he is mostly a critic who draws attention to the marginalisation of opera as a genre in today's society. He is also the creative director of the publishing company “Jumalikud ilmutused” (Divine Revelations).


Artist Margus Tiitsmaa (Sorge) graduated from the Tallinn Pedagogical University in drawing and art pedagogy and from the Estonian Academy of Arts in interdisciplinary arts. Since 1983 his works have been exhibited in numerous solo and group exhibitions, and as a performance artist he has participated in over two hundred events in Estonia and abroad. In addition to his activity as an artist, he has taught painting and performance arts at the Pärnu Sütevaka Private High School of Humanities, performance, painting and welding at Academia Non Grata, and has been a docent of the Department of Performance Arts at Academia Grata, the Estonian Academy of Arts College in Pärnu.


Harpsichord player and organist Marju Riisikamp studied the piano at the Tallinn State Conservatory and furthered her organ and harpsichord skills in Lithuania, Russia, the Netherlands, Germany, Switzerland and Italy. Her teachers have been Virve Lippus, Hugo Lepnurm, Taivo Niitvägi, Christopher Stembridge, Luigi Ferdinando Tagliavini, Pieter van Dijk, Marieke Spaans and Edoardo Bellotti. She has collaborated with several Estonian early music ensembles and has performed the continuo part of Händel’s Alcina at the Latvian National Opera. She has given numerous performances as a soloist and ensemble member in Finland, Sweden, Russia, Lithuania, Latvia, Germany and Italy. She has released two CDs: Espressione and Renaissance Organ Music from England and Italy. She is a scholarship recipient of the Estonian Association of Professional Musicians.


The concert master of the Pärnu Opera Orchestra, violinist Valeria Rjumina, studied at the Estonian Academy of Music and Theatre where her teachers were Alexandr Ficher, Mari Tampere-Bezrodny, Sigrid Kuulmann and Ruta Lipinaitite. She has played the violin in the Estonian National Symphony Orchestra, the Tallinn Sinfonietta and the Narva City Orchestra. In season 2011/2012 she was the concert master of the symphony orchestra of the Estonian Academy of Music and Theatre. She has been a member of the Pärnu Opera Orchestra since 2011.


Conductor and composer Andrus Kallastu has collaborated with numerous excellent musicians in Estonia, Finland, Germany, Switzerland, France and elsewhere in Europe. He is also known as the artistic director of several festivals and musical collectives in Estonia and Finland. In terms of his musical experience, style and knowledge, Andrus Kallastu boasts remarkable versatility: as a musician he has performed works from Gregorian chant to ultra-modern interdisciplinary compositions and is an esteemed performer of Baroque and classical music. His favourite composers include Machaut, Bach, Mozart, Richard Strauss, Stravinsky, Boulez, Xenakis and Ferneyhough. As a conductor and composer, Kallastu is fascinated with the human voice and music theatre; as a pianist he is a sought-after ensemble partner to singers and instrumentalists. (


Mixed choir “Endla” is one of the oldest mixed choirs in Estonia. Established in Pärnu in 1878, the choir has guaranteed the continuity of the historic culture promotion society “Endla” through difficult times. The current 34 singers of the choir are residents of Pärnu with entirely different daily occupations. The conductor of the choir is Karin Veissmann. The traditions of the choir include performances at the various events of Pärnu City, Christmas and summer concerts, entertainment and sports outings to various locations in Estonia, joint projects with other choirs in Pärnu, and participating in the choir festivals of Pärnu and various song festivals. (


Karin Veissmann has graduated from the choral conducting class of Silvia Mellik at the Georg Ots Tallinn Music School, and from the choral conducting class of Ants Üleoja at the Tallinn State Conservatory. Besides conducting the mixed choir “Endla”, she is also the conductor of the children's choir "Pöial-Liisi" (Thumbelina) of the House of Arts in Pärnu; she is also the headmaster, and solfeggio and harmony teacher of the Pärnu Music School. Since 1989, she is singing in the ensemble “Linnamuusikud”. In 2008, she received the Annual Music Award of Pärnu City and in 2007 she received an honorary title from the Pärnu County for her inspiring accomplishments. Since 2005, she has been the chief conductor of the song festivals of Pärnu County.


The very first performance of the Pärnu Opera Orchestra took place in 1993, when a concert performance of the opera Le nozze di Figaro by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart was given under the baton of conductor Rolf Gupta in the hall of the Pärnu Old Town Primary School. The production of the same opera at the Endla Theatre (stage director Elmo Nüganen) in 1994 may be regarded as the first performance of the Pärnu City Orchestra. The concert masters of the current orchestra are violinists Leena Laas and Valeria Rjumina. The conductor of the Pärnu Opera Orchestra is Andrus Kallastu.





Founded on January 5, 1993, Pärnu Opera has offered quality music and intriguing theatre solutions for almost two decades.

In addition to the standard repertoire of opera history, Pärnu Opera presents mystery-like ecclesiastic compositions, contemporary opera, performances, multimedia performances, dramatized concerts and experimental musical theatre.

The nucleus of Pärnu Opera, international Repoo Ensemble, consisting of composers, musicians, writers, visual artists, actors and other creative personages, aims to realise the conception of original repoo-opera.

The artistic director of Pärnu Opera is composer and conductor Andrus Kallastu.